Factory Farming: It’s Bad for Everyone Involved

There are many issues we’re facing in this modern society, but we often overlook the factory farming of animals and the many problems it causes. However, factory farming is not only cruel, but it’s also a contributor to global pandemics and climate change.

To understand more about how factory farming impacts our society, you need to know what it is and the risks it carries.


Factory farms are large scale industrial operations which aim to produce large amounts of meat and dairy products while saving space and money. Thousands of animals reside in these factories, and their quality of life is less than average.

There are loads of factory farms around, and while they may operate in different environments, they have one thing in common: produce meat and dairy products efficiently.

Most animals are raised indoors and fed a diet of corn, and soy, which doesn’t give them the nutrients they need. When you look at those adverts with animals grazing on the green grass, you believe that the animals get the best quality of life. Think again. Factory farming accounts for 70% of the UK’s meat and dairy production.

It’s a cruel, and unforgiving industrial practice, but organisations are fighting back against the factory farming of animals.


So, are there any pros of factory farming? According to those who support the practice, there are. But, do they outweigh the cons?

Advantages of Factory Farming

When we look at the pros of factory farming, we need to take consumer wants and needs into account. Factory farming keeps food costs down, and in a challenging economy, people are looking for cheap ways to feed their families.

Cheaper Products - Both consumers and suppliers, can benefit financially.

Efficient - Factory farms are run like manufacturing environments, so the focus is on getting products to the market quickly.

Less Seasonal Shortages - Because factory farming is a year-round process, so consumers can get the products they want during every season.

Suitable for all Environments - Many farms struggle with environmental changes, but factory farms can be built anywhere. They mostly operate indoors, so countries with a lack of land can still produce meat and dairy products.


So, there are some pros to factory farming, but they focus more on convenience. The fact is, these practices are inhumane and cause a lot of damage to animals and the environment. Let’s examine some of the cons in more detail.

Full of hormones, antibiotics and pesticides

In factory farms, animals live on a poor grain-diet. This industrial grain-fed meat is full of hormones, antibiotics and pesticides, with more inflammatory omega-6 fats from corn and fewer anti-inflammatory omega-3 fats. with the use of growth hormones. In today’s society, obesity is a growing epidemic, and the food we eat is to blame.

Animals are Treated Poorly

When animals are confined together, it causes many problems. Their quality of life is compromised, and many animals don’t get to live outside. Factory farming is about efficiency and productivity, so animals are often seen as products instead of living and feeling beings.

Increases the Risk of Disease

Do you remember the swine flu and bird flu epidemics? These two diseases were a direct result of factory farming. When animals and humans are confined together in crowded environments, there’s a higher risk of animal diseases mutating into human pandemics.

It’s Damaging to the Environment

There are initiatives to protect our environment, but little is benign done about the impact factory farming has on our world. Methane is 86 times more potent than carbon dioxide, which makes it one of the most damaging greenhouse gasses.

Methane is everywhere, but factory farming is a significant contributor to it. Even the livestock carry traces of it. Fertilisers, manure and nitrates also impact our environment, which means that future generations will feel the effects of factory farming for years to come.


We know that there are many organic food benefits for health, but it’s also a great way to promote sustainability and protect our environment. Instead of producing toxic gases, organic farming practices attempt to work towards removing them from the environment.

Instead of adding chemicals to the soil, organic farmers focus on promoting nutrients in the ground, which significantly improves soil nutrient status and soil enzyme activity and enhances the richness and diversity of the soil bacterial community. Fewer chemicals mean that the environment is less vulnerable and animals have more chances of surviving.

Today, more people are understanding the effects of factory farming on animals and look for ways to eat a well-rounded low meat diet and so called hippie dishes while contributing to the environment. Going organic means you support animals and want to make the earth a better place.


While organic food started as a niche product, you can find it anywhere today. Most supermarkets have organic products, so it’s easy to find meat and dairy products that are ethical.

Local farmers markets are a great place to find organic products, or you can use an organic meal delivery company and get organic ready made meals delivered to your door. Skim delivers freshly prepared ready to eat meals around the UK, and we only use the freshest organic ingredients.

With a range of tasty meals available for organic food meal delivery, we cater for all dietary preferences. Most important, as a company, we believe that both animals and the environment should be treated with respect and humanity.

Going organic is a lifestyle choice with so many benefits. The fact is that as we grow as a society, we must learn lessons from pandemics and find ways to promote sustainability. Organic living is one way to preserve our earth for future generations.


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