Films That Show Why Organic Food Matters

There are times when I feel as if I’m facing an uphill battle. Trying to explain why organic food matters to people is a challenge I’m willing to take on, but I often feel that if people understood the health benefits of organic food, they’d be more likely to see that it’s not just a fad and getting the best organic meal delivery isn’t a luxury but necessity. 

Studies show that organic food is better for you because it contains fewer pesticides and hormones. In this post, I’m going to reveal five films that show why organic food is essential for us as a society and the world around us. And sometimes services that provide organic home delivery meals are a good option to go for. 


This six-part documentary series follows farmers in Devon. Two of the films show generational farmers that practise organic and sustainable methods. One operates a one-acre no-dig farm, and the other is a cattle farmer. Overall, I love how this documentary series highlights small-scale farms and shows there is an alternative to factory farming. 

Why Watch It?

Down On The Farm will take you on a journey to a style of farming that is frequently overshadowed by traditional methods. It’s also interesting to see how passionate the farmers are about their industry. 


Black Bark Films and the Landworkers Alliance teamed up with the small-scale farmers union to make this intriguing film. It highlights issues with the industrial farming system and looks at how small farms are suffering. Ultimately, the message of the film is that large scale farming operations impact Britain. Small-scale farmers face an uphill battle, but they continue to advocate for locally grown produce to sustain their industry. 

Why Watch It?

Brexit means there will be lots of changes in Britain, and this film focuses on what might happen. Farms continue to shut down, and there’s no food bill to ensure the quality of our produce continues after Brexit. As a country, we face the risk of mass farming operations which impact animals and our environment. If you respect British farming, you should watch In Our Hands. 


Food waste is a significant issue, so two people decided to see just how much waste we create. They set out on a journey to only eat discarded food or products being thrown out by supermarkets. The six-month experiment shows how much food we throw away daily. Farms produce the food, supermarkets sell it, but consumers waste it. 

Why Watch It?

Just Eat It offers a light-hearted look at modern-day consumer behaviour, but it also exposes how much food waste we create every day. As you can see from these statistics, the UK is actively contributing to greenhouse gas emissions.

Each British household could save hundreds of pounds each year if they adopted healthy eating habits, and this documentary highlights the significant issues people face. Buying food, then choosing takeaways contributes to polluting our planet. 


Colony collapse disorder is probably something you’ve never heard of, but you should learn about it. Commercial beekeepers are in crisis, and this documentary follows two people in the US, struggling to make ends meet. They’re asking the government to help them discover what’s happening to bee populations. Scientists say one thing, but organic beekeepers have their own theory. 

Why Watch It?

Most of our crops require pollination by bees and insects, so if their numbers are dwindling, it will impact the farming industry. The most shocking thing is, without bees, farmers would spend £18 billion yearly to pollinate the crops. Imagine how much our food would cost! 


This US-based documentary takes you on a journey through the country and its masses of factory farms. While farms and ranches used to supply large restaurant chains with their produce, large corporations have taken over the small-town American dream. It’s not for the faint of heart, but Food Inc highlights what could happen to the UK in a post-Brexit country. 

Why Watch It?

If you’ve ever been to the US, then you’ll know the food is cheap, and the portions are enormous. It seems like a great situation, but factory farming methods contribute to low prices. The filmmakers take you straight to the slaughterhouse, and it can only be described as a shocking experience. 


Genetically modified food is a prominent issue in society, and this documentary highlights the dangers it poses to our children. The film explores the truth about GMO’s and examines whether the testing processes are safe. 

Why Watch It?

Companies often say that GMO’s are safe, but with a lack of proper testing, it’s difficult for parents to tell. The documentary exposes how companies manipulate scientific evidence and the true risks GMO’s pose to a child’s development. 


All of the films we mentioned show the importance of adopting healthy eating habits.The truth is, organic food matters and if we look at our diet, research where our food comes from and reduce our waste, we’ll be contributing to our own health and the environment. If you short on time try to use healthy organic meal delivery services instead of the usual ones. 

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