Why Organic Foods Are Important For Children

In our previous posts, we've described the general health benefits of organic diets, but organic foods for children are highly important too. If you're a parent, then you know all too well that there are so many things to think about when raising your child. From schooling, socialising and healthy eating, it's not easy. But, your child's health is probably your foremost concern.

We're going to discuss the importance of organic food for your children in this post and offer some tips on healthy eating for picky eaters.


Numerous studies show children are more susceptible to the adverse effects of pesticides. Some of the most popular kids foods, including chicken, fruit and juices, contain the highest amount of pesticides and meals served at school also carry large levels.

There are around 20,000 pesticides around today, and each of them poses significant risks to children. Residues found in food are linked to numerous illnesses such as diabetes, neuro developmental disabilities, learning difficulties and early puberty.


You might have heard of glyphosate before, and there's a lot of controversy surrounding it. It's one of the most common pesticides, and using it is directly linked to gluten intolerance and celiac disease. Both conditions can have severe effects and lead to symptoms such as diarrhoea, flatulence and constipation.

A lot of genetically modified crops are resistant to glyphosate by design, so it means farmers can spray a lot of it onto their crops to kill weeds and other pests. Even non-GM crops such as barley and wheat are sprayed with glyphosate to dry them out, which means farmers can harvest them earlier.

It's important to note that while the UK regulates the use of GM ingredients, they're often found in animal food. When your children eat non-organic meat, they'll almost certainly consume traces of GM's.


Pesticides exist in the environment, so there's no way of completely removing them from our foods. Still, feeding your children an organic diet has significantly less pesticide residue, which means it's safer for your young ones.

There are many other benefits of organic food for children, so let's look at them in more depth.

No Exposure to Synthetic Hormones

Synthetic hormones are often given to factory-farmed animals to speed up their growth and change their reproductive cycles. Not only is this harmful to livestock, but it can also cause issues for your children. Consuming large amounts of synthetic hormones can lead to your children developing antibiotic-resistant bacteria, but organic food doesn't contain any hormones.

Higher Levels of Vitamins and Minerals

In a previous post, we discussed the benefits of omega-3 fatty acids. It’s important to include meals that are high in this fats such as meals such as mackerel salad or roasted butternut squash salad. Not only do they prevent inflammation, they're also good for a healthy heart. Organic food contains higher levels of vitamins and minerals, so your children can get all of the nutritional benefits. Why not include diet, maybe by adding a maple syrup based dressing

Improves Child Development

Babies and young children are more vulnerable to chemicals because their immune systems are still developing. Young infants especially consume a lot of apples and bananas, so they can be more at risk of developing complications associated with genetically modified crops.

Organic food can boost your child's immune system and supply them with all the vitamins and minerals they require. Pregnant women should also think about their growing foetus because they're especially vulnerable to organophosphate pesticides.

There have been numerous studies across universities in the USA, which prove that women that consumed higher levels of pesticides during their pregnancy had children with slightly lower IQ's. From these studies, we can conclude that organic food is better for your child as soon as it starts developing in your womb.


There are many things parents think about when it comes to purchasing organic food for their children. It's only natural you have some concerns, and we'll discuss them now.

Why Does Organic Food Cost More?

Perhaps the biggest issue parents have with organic food is the cost. Yes, it is more expensive than traditionally farmed produce, but this is beginning to change. Today, more consumers are demanding organic food, which means that the prices are lowering.

If you're on a tight budget, then justifying spending money on organic foods is difficult, but think about the long-term benefits it has on your children. If you're a working parent, then taking time off when your child is sick can be costly. A lower immune system means your child will be more susceptible to infections, but organic food can boost their immunity.

While spending a bit more money on organic food might be more expensive in the short term, but it could save you costs on childcare, lost work hours and private health insurance in the long-term.

Are There Organic Healthy Snacks For Picky Eaters?

Today, there are a lot more choices when it comes to organic snacks for children. You can shop at organic supermarkets, and most have online delivery options, so it's easy to find tasty snacks for your children and keep them healthy.

It's also useful to note that you can use organic fruit and vegetables to prepare lunchbox snacks for your children. As organic food continues to rise in popularity, and more parents realising the benefits it offers, manufacturers are creating a diverse range of children's snacks to meet the demands.


Organic foods for children have always been essential, and finally, parents recognise the health benefits they offer. One of the most crucial choices you can make is to provide your young ones with enough vitamins and minerals to aid their development.

If you want to introduce an organic diet to your children, we provide fully prepared organic meals delivered UK service. Our range of tasty meals are ideal for picky eaters and are packed full of healthy ingredients. View our menu here and feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

Original Source: https://bit.ly/33E6o7O


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